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311 14th Ave S
Wisc. Rapids , WI  54495
Support Your School
Pray for our school, staff & students on a regular basis. 

Be present at chapel services, athletic events, and other school functions.

Volunteer in the classrooms, in the library, in the cafeteria, or with custodial work.  We need people to read to classes, tutor children, and correct papers.

Give regularly to the church.  Student tuition covers only a portion of the cost to run our school.  Most of the expenses are paid through the regular offerings of our congregation.  Special gifts made directly to the school are always a blessing, too.
St. Paul's Scrip Program

Scrip works very similar to buying and using gift cards from local retailers and restaurants.  You purchase the gift cards through St. Paul’s Scrip Program – give them as gifts or use them yourself.  St. Paul’s Lutheran School will receive a discount (% donation) when the scrip is purchased.  Each retailer sets the percentage that it wishes to donate through the program.  For example, if you buy a scrip gift card for Domino's, that company will donate 8% of that purchase back to St. Paul’s.

Find out more about scrip by clicking here.

Other Earning Progams

Some food manufactures have programs to support schools.  They are easy to use and help us fund school field trips.
Download Front of Scrip Order Form
Download Back of Scrip Form