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311 14th Ave S
Wisc. Rapids , WI  54495
Extra Curricular Activities
“Whatever you have learned. . .put into practice.” - Philippians 4:9
St. Paul’s gives students an opportunity to participate in the chapel musician program, band, safety patrol, spelling bees, math and academic challenge competitions, volleyball, basketball, and track. Some of the extra-curricular activities are detailed below.

To help with the development of physical and mental skills, our school participates in various organized sports for girls and boys.  We compete in volleyball, basketball, and track and field.

Indoor and outdoor play at recess is encouraged for its contribution to physical health.  Formal gym classes are held for all grades. If a student has a health problem, the parents must send a written request to excuse the child from physical education class. Any prolonged absence requires a written excuse from a physician. Children should wear shoes that will not cause marks or damage to the gym floor. Gym shorts or sweat pants are recommended, but not mandatory, for physical education in grades K - 8.  Lower grade students should follow the guidelines of their individual teachers.


Students in grades 2-8 will be given the opportunity to further their education in music through piano lessons. Children younger than 2nd grade may be accepted on a case to case basis.

Training in both band and piano will help further the pool of musicians for the church in future years.  Students wanting to take piano lessons need to be receiving a C in all classes to participate in lessons during the school day.  Failure to receive a C in all classes will not eliminate the child from taking lessons, but will require the student to take lessons after school.  The student’s grades will be evaluated at the end of each quarter.  Lessons are available during or outside of the school day. Besides playing for chapel, piano students have the opportunity to participate in the spring piano recital. Our piano teacher is Mrs. Kristi Perry.


In addition to piano lessons, students in grades 4-8 who wish to exercise their musical talents beyond regular music classes may participate in the St. Paul’s Lutheran Band program.  Band members meet once a week within our own facility.  There are reasonable fees for instruction and instruments that enable pupils to participate in individual lessons and group band.  Band members work toward concert performances here and at Northland Lutheran High School.  Our director is Mrs. Kristi Perry. 

St. Paul’s offers Junior Handbells for students in grades 5-8. The group plays about twice a month before chapel services and may play for church services on occasion. They also play for the Children’s Christmas Service. They also have the opportunity to participate in the WELS Handbell Festival in the spring.  Previous musical experience is helpful, but not required. Practice takes place during the school day twice a week. Students commit to the group for one semester at a time – from the start of school to the Christmas service, and then from January to the end of the year. Since Junior Handbells qualifies as an extra-curricular activity, students need to be academically eligible to participate. Our handbell director is Mrs. Kristi Perry.

The Lutheran church is a singing church.  Consequently, the training of young musicians is essential to maintaining this tradition of musical praise.  These musicians are given the opportunity to assist in student chapel and regular services to serve and edify others as they enhance worship among us.


“Love always protects.”
 1 Corinthians 13:7
St. Paul’s participates in the safety patrol program along with the rest of the Wisconsin Rapids schools.  This is a service organization where students in the upper grades have the opportunity to care for the safety of students from our school and the community.  Mr. John Quint is the program coordinator working with the designated Wisconsin Rapids Police Department's Safety Officer.

At St. Paul’s we believe special events help to enrich learning and our school family life.  Some of the special events are our Christmas service, St. Paul’s Got Talent night, art exhibit, band concerts, field trips, guest speakers, picture day, 4K and eighth grade graduations, award ceremonies, track meets, math competition, spelling bee, and attendance at play performances.