Our Staff

Pastor Peter Plagenz

Pastor Peter Plagenz, his wife, Lauren and their son, Titus joined our church family in March 2020.  Peter grew up in Manchester, WI.  He graduated from Martin Luther College where he met his wife Lauren. They were married August, 2015, in Rochester, MN. He graduated from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in 2018.  Peter loves any outdoor activities including camping, hiking, canoeing, fishing, and hunting. He also enjoys staying active with running and basketball. The Lord has since added two daughters to the Plagenz family: Phoebe (May 2020) and Matthea (January 2022).

contact: pastorplagenz@stpaulswr.org


Staff Minister Randy Pahl

In 2019, Mr. Pahl accepted a new called position at St. Paul's as our Staff Minister.  Having been born and raised in the shadow of the "frozen tundra", he spent the previous forty years serving our Lord in the Public Ministry at three different schools: Manitowoc First German, East Fork Lutheran High School, as well as right here in Wisconsin Rapids.  He and his wife, Judy, have been blessed with three awesome children and six beautiful grandchildren.  With all of the children and their families living in the greater Wausau area, they especially enjoy spending as much time as possible with all of them and at their various activities.

Contact: rpahl@stpaulswr.org