Prayer Requests
    Prayer Request Disclaimer
  • All prayer submitted through this website are reviewed before being posted. At times this may take up to a few days, especially over the weekend or during holidays. If you have an urgent need, you are encouraged to contact a pastor directly.

    We are under no obligation to post the prayer requests we receive, and we reserved the right to remove posted prayer requests at any time without notice. You are solely responsible for the content of your posted prayer requests and agree to indemnify and hold harmless St. Paul's with respect to any claim based upon the transmission and posting of your prayer requests.  Please remain courteous in your requests at all times.
  • For Tom B acquaintance, Gloria M, who passed away last week.
  • For Shannon M’s friends, the M family who are going through spiritual difficulties.
  • For our 1st grade teacher, Mrs. K, who received a call to teach at Trinity in Marshfield.
  • For victims of the hurricanes who still are in need of shelter.
  • For Fred C & his family as Fred deals with his cancer
  • For the family of Carla M’s brother, Tim B. He passed away from lung cancer.
  • For all those still dealing with the aftermath of natural disasters this holiday season.
  • Linda L is have a pacemaker put in on Monday, Nov. 18.
  • Continue to pray for Fred C & his family
  • Prayers for the family of Carla M’ brother, Tim B. He passed away from lung cancer on Sunday.
  • For Linda L who is struggling with health issues
  • For Fred C, who has cancer. He is at home, while they develop a treatment plan.
  • For Carolyn J, daughter of Randy & Carla M. She is having surgery.
  • For Jan S, whose house was destroyed in the Florida hurricanes. She recently moved to Wisc. Rapids, is staying with her son, and is seeking a church home.
  • For Rob L, who is struggling with health and financial issues.
  • For Dennis R, a disabled veteran and friend of Todd & Laura S. Dennis is in very poor health and is currently hospitalized.
  • “Peace to all who are lost to be awakened to the gospel message.”
  • For Linda L who is struggling with health issues
  • For Carolyn J, daughter of Randy & Carla M. She is having surgery on Wed., Nov. 20.
  • For Jan S, whose house was destroyed in the Florida hurricanes. She recently moved to Wisc. Rapids, is staying with her son, and is seeking a church home.
  • For Fred C and his family. Fred was diagnosed with cancer and is in Madison for surgery and treatment. Fred’s daughter Amy is undergoing surgery for her cancer this week as well. Pray for the entire family.
  • For Jon E, who developed an infection following knee surgery.
  • For Linda L who will undergo shoulder surgery on Friday
  • For those who have served in the military
  • For Fred C and his family
  • For the family of Bev Pr, who passed away this week.
  • For our local, state, and national elections
  • Prayers for comfort & strength for Carla M’s brother, Tim.  He has lung cancer and a few other serious health conditions.  Prayers for Tim’s wife, Vicky, who is providing so much love & care.
  • For friends and loved ones of Destinee F who are suffering health problems. Her father, Steve, is at home recovering from leg surgery. Her classmate, Amanda, is fighting breast cancer. And her classmate, Abbey, is going to have brain surgery in two weeks.  
  • For Todd & Kay Ferkey to be freed from anxiety, so they can share God’s work.
  • For Jon E, who is having knee surgery.
  • For John B who is recovering from a broken hip.
  • For Sara B who continues to suffer from dementia and is now in hospice.
  • For Diane K, the sister of Linda J, who is recovering from a severe stroke
  • For those affected by the recent hurricanes
  • For Greg M, who recently learned of long-range health issues.
  • For the family of Dewey H, who passed away following a battle with cancer.
  • For the family of Terry & Helen M. Helen passed away on Friday. 
  • For the victims of hurricane Helene
  • For peace for our country and that God-fearing and believing men and women are elected.
  • For Kent & Kristie S, who are celebrating their 20th anniversary.
  • For Martin J, who is suffering pain after fracturing three vertebrae and enduring cancer treatments.
  • For Bob S, who has Covid.
  • Melody K's husband, David, who was just diagnosed with lung cancer.
  • For Martin J, who is suffering pain after fracturing three vertebrae and enduring cancer treatments.
  • Bob S has Covid
  • Melody K’s husband, David, was just diagnosed with lung cancer.
  • For those from St. Mark’s Lutheran School in Eau Claire, who were injured during a field trip when a hay wagon overturned.
  • For Norm P, who had a pacemaker put in on Monday
  • For Kathy J and her family. Kathy’s brother, Duane S, passed away.
  • For Roger whose lung cancer has returned.
  • For Gerri who is suffering from mental health issues. She would also like to meet a good Christian man.
  • For Dave & Melody K who are celebrating their 47th wedding anniversary
  • For Ron S who will undergo back surgery
  • Healing for Suzanne’s broken knee
  • Kathy J’s brother, Duane S, passed away
  • For Charles S who will celebrate his 94th birthday 
  • For Dave & Ann L who are celebrating their 42nd anniversary
  • Judy E passed away.
  • For Linda L who was hospitalized.
  • For Sara B who was hospitalized after a fall.
  • For who Lisa lost her daughter to suicide. She recently moved here and has no connections here.
  • For Gerri who is suffering depression and setbacks as she goes through recovery.
  • Linda L has been hospitalized.
  • Pastor Paul Schuler returned the call  to serve as our associate pastor.
  • For Betty M, who will celebrate her 94th birthday on Aug 9
  • For Bruce J’s daughter, Millisa, who has been diagnosed with early stage colon cancer.  
  • For the family and friends of Bob K. Bob passed away on Monday
  • For Pastor Paul Schuler, who we called to serve as our associate pastor.
  • For the WELS congregation, Good Shepherd, in Downers Grove, IL. A fire on Monday left their church and school unusable for the time being.
  • For Bruce J’s daughter, Millisa, who has been diagnosed with early stage colon cancer.  
  • For the family and friends of Bob K. Bob passed away on Monday.
  • For the Friends and family of Rosie O. Rosie passed away on Sunday.  
  • For Pastor Paul Schuler, who we called to serve as our associate pastor.
  • For Andy V, who is recovering from pneumonia
  • For Amber P, who continues to struggle with health problems
  • For Martin J, who is hospitalized due to cancer complications
  • For the F family, for save travels.
  • For the Marriage of Grace & Dao 
  • For Rosie O, who fell and broke her hip. She is on hospice care.
  • For Bob S, who is being transferred to a care facility
  • For Linda H, whose cousin, Jane Voss, passed away.
  • For Rev. Mike Zarling, who we called to serve as our associate pastor.
  • For our teens traveling to the youth rally this week
  • For our call meeting
  • For Winnie Lee, the great grand-daughter of Bev P. Winnie was baptized on Saturday.
  • For Fred & Joyce C who are celebrating their 55th wedding anniversary.
  • For Bob S who suffered a stroke.
  • For Carol N’s grandson, Tyler Gardner, who was injured in an accident and faces a long recovery.
  • For Amy K, who was just diagnosed with breast cancer.
  • For Nancy K’s family. Her brother, Dennis S, passed away.
  • For Ashley Johnson to receive freedom from hatred and curses
  • For Cleo Bradshaw, who need physical healing, and for her son, Elad, who is drifting from the faith
  • For the end of school year and for graduates
  • Solemn gratitude for those who fallen in war.
  • Marla M’s sister, Dawn, passed away.
  • For our youth
  • Baptism of Reid Michael P, grandson of Todd & Kay F
  • For Todd & Kathy W who are celebrating their 33rd wedding anniversary.  
  • Larry K passed away. His funeral was on Saturday.
  • Mother’s Day
  • For Matthew O to receive strength to heal and comfort from his daily pains. Guide the doctors to speedy diagnosis.  
  • Larry K passed away on Monday.  His funeral will be on Saturday at 4:00 pm.
  • For our pre-call meeting on Thursday  
  • For Garrett who is seeking God’s guidance
  • Baptisms of Addalyn & Asher  and Baptism Affirmation of Gideon 
  • For Matt B as he recovers from a bad infection and works to get back on the kidney recipient list
  • For Matthew O to receive strength to heal and comfort from his daily pains. Guide the doctors to speedy diagnosis.  
  • For Larry K who has been hospitalized and still does not have a diagnosis.
  • Bertie S passed away
  • Janet H’s sister, Marge, passed away.
  • For Randy K who is doing well as he recovers from the stroke he suffered last week
  • For Larry K who is experiencing health issues
  • For Marlene Sc who is having knee replacement surgery
  • For Matt B as he recovers from a bad infection and works to get back on the kidney recipient list
  • For Bertie S, a relative to many in our church, who appears to be near death
  • For Pastor Proeber, who accepted the call to serve in Watertown.
  • For the conflict in the Mideast
  • For new members Dakota and Katelyn M and for the baptisms of their twins Arthur and Thea
  • For Matt B who has suffered some health setbacks that that could potentially delay his kidney transplant
  • Marlene G’s sister-in-law, Dorene, was diagnosed with aggressive cancer
  • Randy K suffered a stroke
  • Mary V’ aunt Esther is having valve replacement on Tuesday
  • Bertie S, a relative to many in our church, appears to be near death
  • Inge J’s husband Jim passed away.
  • Pastor Proeber returned the call to First Lutheran Church in La Crescent, MN. He continued to deliberate the call to Trinity Lutheran Church in Watertown, WI (associate pastor).
  • Peter & Lauren P were blessed with a baby boy
  • For Matt B as he awaits a call for his kidney transplant, and for his family as they prepare to help with his recovery  
  • For Inge J’s husband, who is having health problems
  • For Pastor Proeber who received two calls: to First Lutheran Church in La Crescent, MN (sole pastor) and to Trinity Lutheran Church in Watertown, WI (associate pastor).
  • For Linda L who is moving to a care facility this week.
  • For Carol N’s daughter, who has lung cancer and is now hospitalized with pneumonia and sepsis
  • For Matt B as he awaits a call for his kidney transplant, and for his family as they prepare to help with his recovery    
  • For the family of Doug T, who passed away. His funeral will be April 13.
  • For Pastor Proeber who received two calls: to First Lutheran Church in La Crescent, MN (sole pastor) and to Trinity Lutheran Church in Watertown, WI (associate pastor).
  • For the safety of people in Haiti.
  • Thanksgiving for the birth of Edna H’s 23rd great-grandchild
  • For Bruce J, whose brother, Russell, passed away on Saturday morning  
  • For Pastor Plagenz returned the call he was holding
  • For Pastor Proeber who received two calls: to First Lutheran Church in La Crescent, MN (sole pastor) and to Trinity Lutheran Church in Watertown, WI (associate pastor).
  • For the safety of people in Haiti.
  • For Emma S who is having hip surgery on Tuesday
  • For Dorothy R, whose son Rick passed away
  • Pastor Plagenz received a call to serve as pastor at Lamb of God Lutheran Church in West Lafayette, IN
  • For Linda L who continues to struggle with health issues
  • Pastor Plagenz received a call to serve as pastor at Lamb of God Lutheran Church in West Lafayette, IN
  • For Matthea Plagenz, who was hospitalized due to swelling under her jaw, but is now home and healing after surgery.
  • For the family of a former member, Gordon Burmester, who passed away recently
  • For Mary Venus’ family. Her father Pastor Herbert Lichtenberg, passed away.
  • Melissa & Megan Wise, daughters of Shannon McFarlin-Wise, and Zach & Noelle & Greg, Shannon’s nephews and niece  
  • Work Life balance for Shannon. She needs 24 X 7 support next week.
  • For Linda L, who will see a cardiologist in Madison  
  • For Kim H’s brother and for her aunt, who is going through treatment for a brain tumor
  • For Matthea P, who has an infected lymph node
  • For Shannon W, who is coping from Seasonal Affected Disorder
  • For Shane, Oliver, and Autumn, who have all been born again through baptism
  • For Gary & Judy S, who were blessed with a new grand-daughter.
  • For Joyce Camacho’s sister Joan, who suffered a stroke and is recovering at home
  • For Mary V father, Herbert, who has been placed on hospice
  • For Curtis & Erin M’s family. Erin’s father passed away.
  • For the family of Pat S, who passed away.
  • For Micah B and Michelle K both accepted their calls to teach in our school starting in the fall.
  • Pat S is close to death
  • We extended calls to Mrs. Michelle Korth to teach in the lower grades and to Mr. Micah Biesterfeld to teach middle grades and be Vice Principal.  
  • We extended calls to Mrs. Michelle Korth to teach in the lower grades and to Mr. Micah Biesterfeld to teach middle grades and be Vice Principal.   
  • For our new members brought in through baptism and confirmation
    • Baptized: Audree & Chole
    • Confirmation: Shane, Elsie, Matthew, and Cori
  • Marvin R is having knee replacement surgery.
  • Elsie P remains in the hospital after a car accident
  • Sue B’s mother passed away.
  • Mrs. Jane Petoskey accepted the call to serve as our 3rd-4th grade teacher for next school year.
  • Elsie P was who was injured in a car accident and is hospitalized in critical condition.
  • Mrs. Jane Petoskey was called to serve as our 3rd-4th grade teacher for next school year.
  • Safe trip to Florida for Kathy G and Becky Z
  • Jerry and Donna R celebrated their 55th anniversary on Dec. 28
  • Chris W is celebrating his birthday
  • Jennifer Q, the daughter of John & Laurie, will have surgery on Dec. 28
  • Pat S passed away
  • Julie, the cousin of Matt & Molly D, passed away
  • Mrs. Jane Petoskey was called to serve as our 3rd-4th grade teacher for next school year.
  • Safe trip to Florida for Kathy G and Becky Z, mother & aunt of Patrick G
  • For Lori K, who has lung cancer
  • Jenny P, Kathy J’s daughter, has been diagnosed with breast cancer.  She will have surgery in January.
  • Former member, Starr H has pancreatic cancer
  • Bryan F is having rotator cuff surgery.
  • Pat S is in the hospital in serious condition.
  • Jare V, who is having health issues.
  • Julie, the cousin of Matt & Molly D, passed away.
  • John & Carole Melso accepted calls to teach in Florida next school year.
  • Mrs. Michelle Korth accepted the call to serve as our 3K teacher for the remainder of the school year. She begins work here on January 3.
  • Mrs. Jane Petoskey was called to serve as our 3rd-4th grade teacher for next year.
  • Lucas P is having back surgery on Wednesday
  • Linda Lwas diagnosed with A Fib and will have a heart procedure on Jan. 4
  • Betty S passed away. Her funeral is on Thursday.
  • John & Carole Melso were extended calls to teach at New Hope Lutheran Academy in West Melbourne, FL.
  • Mrs. Michelle Korth who is deliberating the call to serve as our 3K teacher for the remainder of the school year.
  • Those effected by the tornadoes in Tennessee.
  • Pray for revival, personal and the whole church.
  • Ashley J - for physical, financial, emotional, and spiritual life health
  • Rob & Iranice T and their family – for their finances and spiritual wellbeing
  • Sue B moved to assisted living in Appleton
  • June K passed away. Her funeral is on Friday at 11:00 M
  • Miss Josie A accepted the call to teach in Washington, MI.
  • John & Carole Melso were extended calls to teach at New Hope Lutheran Academy in West Melbourne, FL.
  • At the Call Meeting on Sunday, we called Mrs. Michelle Korth to serve as our 3K teacher for the remainder of the school year.
  • The home of Harvey P's daughter burned down.
  • Linda L was hospitalized
  • Joyce J and Betty Ms’ son, Michael, are going through health-related trials.
  • June K is declining rapidly and appears to be ready to leave this earth for her heavenly home. A prayer for her transition would be appreciated.
  • John & Carole Melso were extended calls to teach at New Hope Lutheran Academy in West Melbourne, FL.
  • For Nona Henke as she goes through rehab.
  • Linda Lucht is recovering from surgery
  • Mrs. Emily Radtke accepted call to serve St. Paul’s as a primary school teacher.
  • Miss Josie Avery continues to deliberate her call to teach in Washington, MI.
  • Laurie M continues to experience medical complications from a post-Covid infection.
  • For Nona H as she goes through rehab.
  • Mrs. Emily Radtke continues to deliberate her call to serve St. Paul’s as a primary school teacher.
  • Miss Josie Avery continues to deliberate her call to teach in Washington, MI.
  • Veteran’s Day
  • Safety for Hunters
  • Nona H is recovering but remains in the hospital
  • Kent S is recovering from back surgery
  • Randy K was diagnosed with prostate cancer
  • Laurie M continue to experience medical complications continue a post-Covid infection
  • Jean J passed away on Saturday
  • Mr. Andrew Van Weele accepted the call to serve as principal
  • Mrs. Emily Radtke continued to deliberate her call serve St. Paul’s as a primary school teacher.
  • Miss Josie Avery continued to deliberate her call to teach in Washington, MI.
  • The war in Israel and Gaza
  • Edna H is celebrating her 99th birthday
  • Todd & Kay F were blessed with a grandson.
  • Gavin K is returning home after serving the USMC in Japan for a couple of years.
  • Nona H recovering from surgery.
  • Marla M is having hip surgery 
  • Dave L was diagnosed with cancer.
  • Jan P’s grand-nephew, Kaden K had surgery to remove a mass on his spine. 
  • Elsie P's brother, Jim, who has Lou Gehrig's disease and may be nearing the end of his life.
  • Gary S was hospitalized briefly and is a home recovering.
  • Kayla J’s co-worker Carla, whose husband passed away last week from cancer.
  • We extended calls to Mr. Andrew Van Weele to serve as principal and to Mrs. Emily Radtke to serve as a primary school teacher. 
  • Miss Josie Avery received a call to teach in Washington, MI.
  • Oliver W was baptized on Sunday
  • Nona H appears to be in her last days.
  • Dave L continues to experience health problems.
  • Jan P’s grand-nephew had surgery to remove a mass on his spine.  Pray for his healing & swift recovery, and strengthen his faith to look to Jesus for help.
  • For Carla, whose husband passed away last week from cancer.
  • Barb R is still rehabbing. Pray for healing.
  • We extended calls to Mr. Andrew Van Weele to serve as principal and to Mrs. Emily Radtke to serve as a primary school teacher.
  • Miss Josie Avery received a call to teach in Washington, MI.
  • Laurie M has the flu
  • Wallace Z’s sister passed away
  • for the Call Meeting on Tuesday
  • The war in Israel
  • Bill S, the husband of Pat, is celebrating his birthday 
  • Barb R recovering from infection
  • John B who is recovering from stroke in rehabilitation facility in Augusta
  • Phyllis P celebrated her 87th birthday last week.
  • Barb R is hospitalized.
  • Chad J’s mother passed away suddenly.
  • Bill & Pat S are celebrating their wedding anniversary
  • Betty S will celebrate her 99th birthday .
  • Kent S’s surgery has been delayed. Pray for patience as more testing is done.
  • Dave & Melody K are celebrating their wedding anniversary.
  • Rob & Sue L are celebrating their wedding anniversary.
  • For Dave L who has been under the weather for three weeks.   
  • Mike M’ oldest nephew’s daughter Kelsey recently had brain surgery to remove a tumor. Now she is having aggressive chemo treatment. Also pray for her 3-month baby.
  • Pastor Proeber returned the call to serve as a missionary.
  • Deb and Terry are celebrating their 35th wedding anniversary.
  • Dave & Ann L are celebrating their 41st wedding anniversary.
  • For Dave L who has been under the weather for three weeks.   
  • Mike M’ oldest nephew’s daughter Kelesy recently she had brain surgery to remove a tumor. Now she is having aggressive chemo treatment. Also pray for her 3 month baby.
  • Comfort for Hilde H’s brother, Scott, in his loss and strengthen his faith.
  • For rain
  • Pastor Proeber received a call to serve as a home missionary in Bentonville-Centerton, Arkansas.
  • Dale & June Kare celebrating their 55th wedding anniversary
  • Bill & Cynde J are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary 
  • Charles S is celebrating his 93rd birthday
  • Rick K is recovering from heart surgery 
  • Carla M’ brother, Tim, is having surgery to remove a cancerous spinal tumor with radiation to start in about 4 weeks.  
  • Nick L is in the hospital after a 4-wheeler accident
  • For John B’s recovery and for his family
  • Comfort for Hilde H’s brother, Scott, in his loss and strengthen his faith.
  • Pastor Proeber received a call to serve as a home missionary in Bentonville-Centerton, Arkansas.
  • For our new members: Matt O; Shannon W; Kelly M; Ryan P; Kyle & Kayla M and their children; Betty D; and Katie O
  • Mike & Judy A – 46th wedding anniversary 
  • Faith H celebrated her 77th birthday 
  • Rick K is having heart surgery. 
  • Pastor Proeber received a call to serve as a home missionary in Bentonville-Centerton, Arkansas.
  • Bryan and Destinee F are celebrating their 15th wedding anniversary.
  • John B remains hospitalized following a stroke.
  •  Pastor Proeber received a call to serve as a home missionary in Bentonville-Centerton, Arkansas. There is a core group of four families waiting to engage a community that is poised for substantial growth in the next few years.
  • Gerry P celebrated her 79th birthday.
  • Betty M is celebrating her 93rd birthday.
  • Greg M had shoulder surgery.
  • Elaine M was in the hospital last week with heart complications.
  • John B suffered a stroke while driving on the interstate. He is hospitalized in LaCrosse. 
  • Baptism of Ron H and Aniston H
  • Chuck O turned 75, plus Chuck & Marcie are celebrating our 45th wedding anniversary.
  • Chloe Aumann is having surgery for hip reconstruction on August 2nd.  She’ll be staying at the hospital for a few days for recovery and then will be bedridden for a couple weeks after.
  • Dean & Lori Spaeth - Illness/recovery
  • Richard McFarlin – Family illness
  • Greg M’s mother, Peggy, is undergoing surgery this week.
  • Judy L’s son-in-law is having surgery on Wednesday
  • Tara V was hospitalized
  • Sara B’s sister, Sharon, had a bad fall.
  • Brody & Deb K are celebrating their wedding anniversary on July 18
  • Molly W’s mother, Joan J, is in the hospital
  • Linda Lhad successful surgery
  • Martin J has had complications since having hip surgery
  • Adian S, the grandson of Ken & Sue B, who is leaving for the Marine Corps.
  • Kennedy R was baptized on Sunday
  • Charlotte M is undergoing allergy testing
  • Molly W’s mother, Joan J, is in the hospital
  • Linda L is having surgery
  • Pam & Chris W’s son is graduating from college in Oregon. We pray for safety as they move Arin back home.
  • For peaceful transition as Pam W’s mother transition to Assisted Living in Wisconsin Rapids
  • For rain   
  • Gavin K has developed an infection in his foot following surgery.  Gavin is stationed in Okinawa.
  • Elaine G, Pat B, and Roger G all passed away in the last few days.
  • Randy & Pat D were blessed with twin granddaughters.
  • Ruth B appears to be in her last days.
  • Carol N is having health problems.
  • Thanksgiving that Ruby F's surgery was successful and prayers for continued healing
  • Healing for community member Viola B, who suffered a stroke
  • For fathers
  • Benjamin R Jr. was baptized on Sunday. He is the son of Ben & Jeanie R.
  • For Melissa & Tom B as they face a couple of stressful weeks closing on a home and getting married. Melissa & Tom will be married at St. Paul’s on Thursday.
  • Roth B appears to be in her last days.
  • Jon E’s sister passed away.
  • John Q’s mother passed away.
  • Thanksgiving for St. Paul’s faculty & staff and their tremendous love, dedication and hard work evident throughout the school year. 
  • A community member requested prayer that he receive a disability check and that his family receive salvation.
  • Community member, Aubrey, asked for prayer for the healing of a broken relationship.
  • For Peter & Lauren P, who recently experienced the loss of miscarriage.
  • For Ruby F who will have ear reconstruction surgery in California on Wednesday and for safety as the family travels.  
  • Judy L’s daughter, Sherry, is having surgery this today.
  • Elaine M is hospitalized following a heart attack.
  • Rich H’s sister, Chris recently learned that cancer, which was removed 8 months ago, has returned.
  • For community member, Viola B, to be healed after a stroke and mental health issues.  
  • For Melissa & Tom as they face a couple of stressful weeks closing on a home and getting married.
  • For Tom & Barb R’s cousin Ashely who is in her mid-30’s and is on hospice care due to alcohol addiction and early liver failure.
  • Thanksgiving for St. Paul’s faculty & staff and their tremendous love, dedication and hard work evident throughout the school year. 
  • For Peter & Lauren P, who recently experienced the loss of miscarriage.
  • For those graduating college, high school, grade school and embarking on to the next phase of life
  • For those who gave their lives in service to our country 
  • Tammy C’s dad is recovering after open heart surgery. Thankfulness that the surgery went well and a prayer for continued healing.
  • Kristie S injured her shoulder in a fall. 
  • Margaret J was called home to heaven. Her funeral will be on Friday.
  • As we wait for God to reveal His plans to fill our teacher vacancy, ask the Lord to give us patience and to help us to look for ways to serve and help our current teachers.
  • Ben W and Chantal E will be married in Los Angeles on May 13, and also for safe travel for all the family attending.
  • Baptisms earlier this week: Kaiden & Kyler F and Cassandra T.
  • Baptism today of Everly Alda P, daughter of  Lucas & Amy P
  • For Mary G, who is 93 and was recently hospitalized with RSV
  • Chris J’s younger brother, Simon, passed away suddenly 
  • God's guidance and blessing on the assignment process and our request for a new teacher.
  • For safety as John B travel out of state to visit his grandson.
  • Nora D, the daughter of Matthew & Sarah, was baptized on Saturday
  • Ridge W, the son or Lance & Faye Wolosek, will be baptized between the services today.
  • For Mary G, who is 93 and was recently hospitalized with RSV.
  • God's guidance and blessing on the assignment process and our request for a new teacher.
  • For safety as John B travels out of state to visit his grandson.
  • Ellie, the granddaughter of Cindy H, was just diagnosed with epilepsy.
  • For Rick G who is going part-timer at NLHS in the fall, and for Katie M who is going full-time at NLHS.
  •  Peace and direction
  • Thanksgiving that surgery was successful for Tom & Sue K’s grandson.
  • Sharon S’s recovery from shoulder surgery is coming along nicely.
  • Leo, the great-nephew of Jim E, Susie D & Cindy H, is undergoing surgery to repair a hole in his esophagus.
  • Greg M’s mother will undergo surgery on Thursday.
  • Lance & Faye W were blessed with a baby boy, named Ridge
  • Barb M is having knee replacement surgery on April 18
  • Jasper K, the one-year-old grandson of Tom & Sue K, will have surgery to remove a benign tumor from his groin.
  • Mr. Andrew Van Weele returned the call to serve as our principal.
  • For the safety of our law enforcement officers
  • Sarah D’s aunt is recovering from a heart attack.
  • Robert S’s brother Dave is suffering from serious heart issues.
  • Linda P’s father-in-law, Milton P, passed on April 2 at the age of 104.
  • Prayers for the family of David and Jan M (Russ P’s cousin) who were murdered by their son.
  • Rick N, who is Kathy G's brother and Patrick G's uncle, passed away on Tuesday
  • Andrew Van Weele is deliberating the call to serve as our principal.
  • Chuck O - Thanksgiving for successful heart surgery
  • Sharon S is having shoulder replacement surgery on Apr. 6
  • Greg M’s mother is having surgery at the end of the month.
  • Sarah’ D’s aunt had a heart attack and is still in the hospital.
  • Jamie V’s mother appears to be nearing the end of her life.
  • Mr. Andrew Van Weele is deliberating the call to serve as our principal.
  • Mrs. Debbie Hansen returned the call to serve as our 1st-2nd grade teacher.
  • Protection for military troops in the Middle East and Ukraine
  • For the families and school staff affected by the school shooting in Nashville.
  • For our new members
  • Melody K is recovering after a successful hip replacement surgery.  
  • Todd H, who is going through chemo treatments for cancer
  • Jeff T, who is starting treatment for cancer
  • Sara B needs prayer regarding an upcoming doctor’s appointment. 
  • Chuck O - Thanksgiving for successful heart surgery
  • Sharon S is having shoulder replacement surgery on Apr. 6
  • We called Mr. Andrew Van Weele to serve as our principal and Mrs. Debbie Hansen to serve as our 1st-2nd grade teacher.
  • For our sister church, the Lutheran Church of Central Africa–Malawi. A cyclone has caused severe flooding in the country, destroying homes and crops.
  • For those affected by tornadoes in Mississippi and Alabama
  • Protection for military troops in the Middle East and Ukraine
  • Ruth B celebrated her 99th birthday on March 17
  • Andy & Julie R are celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary
  • John & Carole M returned their calls to serve in Arizona
  • For our call meeting on Tuesday
  • For Samuel, who needs help with his career.
  • Todd H and his chemo treatment for cancer,
  • Jeff T starting treatment for cancer
  • Gerry P is having renewed health issues – lymphedema and congestive heart failure.
  • For Rick N, a friend of Kathy G
  • Community member Debbie - for her family’s mental and physical health
  • Ryan & Laura Jaeger returned their calls to serve as our principal & teacher
  • John & Carole Melso were called to serve Pilgrim Lutheran School in Mesa, Arizona
  • That the track meet at NLHS goes well and that the play produced by NLHS students goes well.
  • for Freja’s Sister and Elianna’s Grandma & Grandpa
  • for Karen W (a former member) and others who have been diagnosed with cancer.
  • Linda P’s father-in-law is near death
  • Ryan & Laura Jaeger returned their calls to serve as our principal & teacher
  • John & Carole Melso were called to serve Pilgrim Lutheran School in Mesa, Arizona
  • A prayer of thanks that Robert S’s heart surgery was a success.
  • Ryan & Laura Jaeger who we called to serve as principal & teacher
  • Mike F’s wife, Lana, is having hip replacement surgery
  • Owen and Nash  were baptized on Saturday.  They are the children of Bryce K and Brittanie R
  • Betty S fell and broke her shoulder. She is recovering at Edenbrook.
  • Pastor Proeber returned the call to serve Salem Lutheran in Woodbury, MN
  • Ryan & Laura J who we called to serve as principal & teacher
  • Lanny B who was baptized during our school chapel service on Wednesday.
  • Chuck O will have surgery this Tuesday
  • Pastor Proeber received a call to serve Salem Lutheran in Woodbury, WI
  • For our call meeting
  • Former St. Paul’s teachers, Marla O and Trisha E, were both recently diagnosed with cancer.
  • For our Leadership Team
  • Pastor Proeber received a call to serve Salem Lutheran in Woodbury, WI
  • Baptism of Hugh, son of Zachary & Anna B
  • For Ernie, a friend of Tom& Melissa, who is having four heart bypasses
  • For the sanctity of human life
  • For our voters’ meeting
  • Prayers of thanksgiving as Bryan F's father is now at home recovering from successful bypass surgery. Pray for continued strength and healing.
  • For Ernie, a friend of Tom & Melissa, who is having four + heart bypasses.
  • Mr. Justin V returned the call to be our principal
  • Joyce J was baptized
  • Marilyn F’s brother, Doug P, who begins chemo treatments on 1/10/2023
  • Bryan F’s father had successful bypass surgery, but is having a few complications with oxygen levels. Prayers for continued healing and a full recovery.
  • Mr. Justin V was called to be our principal
  • Marilyn F’s brother, Doug P, begins chemo treatments on 1/10/2023
  • Mr. Justin V was called to be our principal
  • Todd H – Cancer healing
  • Jeff T – cancer healing
  • Randy & Carla M are celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary
  • Linda P’s father-in-law, Milton P, turns 104 on Dec. 23
  • For the health of Rick N, a friend of Kathy G
  • For Caleb J’s grandpa, who is “not doing good.”
  • Health of all, so that they may worship together
  • Safety for everyone who will be traveling for the holidays
  • Isaac, age 4, want God to be real to him.
  • Chuck O is awaiting heart surgery
  • Angie H’s mother underwent surgery – speedy recovery
  • For the health of Rick N
  • For Caleb J’s grandpa, who is “not doing good.”
  • Bob & Terri D are celebrating their 45th wedding anniversary
  • Linda P was blessed with a grandson, Isaiah 
  • Melissa B underwent surgery - speedy recovery.
  • Sue B – help with conquering cancer again.
  • Tom V is hospitalized with severe hip pain
  • Sara B fell and is also sick with COVID
  • Chuck O is awaiting heart surgery 
  • Angie H’s mother underwent surgery – speedy recovery
  • Dave L’s nephew died from a drug overdose. 
  • Mr. Andrew D returned the call to serve as our principal.
  • Sebastian was baptized on Friday.  He is the son of Alistair & Rebecca W.
  • Ron S is having back surgery on Tuesday
  • Melissa B undergo surgery on Nov. 30 – safe surgery & speedy recovery.
  • Sue B – help with conquering cancer again.
  •  Darlene R passed away.   
  • For a peaceful decision for Mr. Andrew Danner, who we called to serve as our principal.
  • Healing for Barb M who is recovering from her surgery.
  • Bill Y will have back surgery 
  • Tom H, the father of Jamie T, is going through chemotherapy
  • Jeff T was recently diagnosed with cancer
  • Sheila P’s father, Harold A, passed away
  • Darlene R passed away.   
  • For a peaceful decision for Mr. Andrew D, who we called to serve as our principal.
  • Tom & Jan P are celebrating their 12th wedding anniversary 
  • Sue B had some cancer return and will be undergoing tests.
  • Darlene R is unresponsive after suffering a fall.
  • Healing for Barb M who is recovering from her surgery.
  • For a peaceful decision for Mr. Andrew Danner, who we called to serve as our principal.
  • Safety for those who will be hunting and traveling over the next couple of weeks.
  • Emily W and Stephen S will be united in marriage.
  • Blessings of successful C-section and gift of baby for Anna B
  • Baptisms of Carter, son of James & Kyla J, and of Jase, son of Jadyn K and Chase P.
  • John B had a pacemaker put in. Thanksgiving that it went well.
  • For a peaceful decision for Mr. Andrew D, who we called to serve as our principal.
  • Thanksgiving for our military veterans
  • Prayer of thanksgiving for the healthy birth of Sebastian to Rebecca and Alistair W
  • Emily W and Stephen S will be united in marriage on Nov. 11.
  • Blessings of successful C-section and gift of baby for Anna B and her husband Zach
  • On Nov. 4, Kyle E will have thyroid cancer surgery
  • On Nov. 8, Barb Mwill have back surgery
  • For Sheldon F’s health and peace
  • Edna H’s 98th birthday is Oct. 29.
  • Javan R and Erin Z were united in marriage on Saturday
  • New members Ken & Sue B
  • Bob & Katie S’s 57th wedding anniversary
  • Sara B’s 71st birthday
  • Edna H’s 98th birthday is Oct. 29.
  • Ashlyn J, who born premature, is in the hospital again and will have surgery on Wednesday to insert a gastric tube.
  • Sharon L’s husband, Tom, passed away. His funeral was last week.
  • Pastor Aaron Strong of Grace Lutheran, downtown Milwaukee, was killed in a car accident on Wednesday.  Pray for his family and congregation.
  • for our Voters’ Meeting
  • For widows and widowers
  • 50th wedding anniversary for John & Sara B
  • Baptism of Ashlyn Ellen, daughter of Chris & Melissa J
  • New member Tom B
  • Thanksgiving for healing and restoration of Jim H’s vision.
  • A community member’s friend who is recovering from brain surgery
  • Bob & Katie S’s son-in-law, Dave, is having medical issues
  • Dorothy Ur Passed away on Friday night.
  • June K appears to be near death. 
  • Betty M will undergo surgery this week.
  • Thanksgiving for healing and restoration of Jim H’s vision.
  • Thank you Jesus for all blessings, health, your Word.
  • For those affected by Hurricane Ian
  • Safe travels for John B who is visiting to Kansas this week.
  • For the lost and straying in our country
  • For a marriage to be restored, and for God to send the couple godly mentors.
  • New members – Jon & Bonnie E
  • Betty S is celebrating her 98th birthday on Sept. 21
  • Bill & Pat S are celebrating their 57th wedding anniversary
  • Barb M grandson, Kyle Endries, has thyroid cancer and is awaiting surgery.
  • Mike M is had knee replacement surgery on Tuesday
  • Todd F’s brother had successful open heart surgery.
  • Greg M’s mother is in the hospital with heart issues
  • Healing for Jim H – both retinas detached. 
  • For Joyce J, who is recovering from surgery
  • Chris W is experiencing back problems. Pray for patience and healing as the doctors find the source of his pain.
  • Eileen - for healing and deliverance.
  • Barb M grandson, Kyle E has thyroid cancer and is awaiting surgery.
  • Kellie J’s cousin is in a come with completer brain damage.
  • A family who have all tested positive for COVID
  • Dave & Ann L will celebrate their 40th anniversary 
  • Emily K & Seth K were united in marriage on Saturday
  • Todd & Kay F’s youngest daughter, Allison, will be married on Sept. 10
  • One of our former childcare workers, Jenny Q is experiencing heart problems  
  • Dorothy U’s health is failing.
  • Betty M is having health issues
  • Healing for Jim H – both retinas detached. Jim is the son of Mark & Hilde H.
  • For Joyce Jn, who is recovering from surgery
  • Chris W is experiencing back problems. Pray for patience and healing as the doctors find the source of his pain.
  • Eileen - for healing and deliverance.
  • The husband of Jan P’s niece passed away
  • Vernon V passed away