I rejoiced with those who said to me,
“Let us go to the house of the Lord.” – Psalm 122:1
Come hear God’s Word. Celebrate God’s grace and faithfulness.  
Find strength and encouragement for your daily life.

Sunday Worship at 8:00 & 10:30 AM

Ash Wednesday ~  Mar. 5 at 5:00 PM


Services are livestreamed on YouTube on Sundays at 8:00AM,
but can be viewed as at a later time as well.


To help you follow along, download a bulletin. 
Please fill out the connect card to let us know where you're worshiping from
and how we might continue to serve you.



What are worship services like?
Services last about one hour.  The order of service is printed in a bulletin with references to our hymnal and the bible.  The entire service is also displayed on screens at the front of the church. The service focuses on God's Word -- the Bible.  You will confess your sins, hear God’s Word, pray, and sing hymns and praise songs. Every church has its own style of worship. It may take you a couple Sundays to become accustomed to worship at St. Paul's.

Is it okay to just watch at first?
Don’t feel pressured to join our church.  It is more important that you trust in Jesus for forgiveness and salvation.  You should first listen and evaluate whether our church teaches God’s Word and that you are in agreement with those teachings.  Then, when you are ready, we can discuss how you can become a part of our church family.

Will I have to say anything, sign anything, or give anything, or be singled out in any way?
You will not have to wear a name tag or stand up so that everyone can see you. The ushers and regular worshipers will probably greet you as you enter and leave church.  It is up to you whether you want to engage in an extended conversation. You may decide to visit a few times before starting a conversation. You do not have to give when the offering plate is passed. However, please fill out the connect card along with the others in attendance.

What do I wear?
The bible presents no dress code, except for simple decency and Christian humility. Wear whatever is most comfortable. Some of people wear their “Sunday best” and show up in suits and dresses. Others wear t-shirts and jeans. Most are in-between - a polo and khakis or a sweater and dress slacks.

What do my kids do?
There is a special message for them just prior to reading the Word of God. If they feel comfortable, your children may go up to the front of the church at this time. You can accompany them if they need encouragement, or they can stay in the pew.  If you child becomes fussy, you can to take them to our Family Room to calm them. The Family Room contains toys, books, a changing table, a sofa, and a television showing the worship service.  During the Family Bible Hour (9:15-10:15 AM), children in 3K through 6th grade can attend Sunday School while the adults and teens are in Bible Study.

What about parking?
There is a large parking lot on our property and a public lot across the street, plus on-street parking is allowed on Sunday mornings.

How big is your church?
Depending on the service and time of year, you can expect 80-120 people at a worship service. The church itself seats at least 400 and is full for special services like Christmas and Easter.